Bleach Lab - Have You Ever Rolla Skated

Where are you now and what’s happening?

Jenna: I’m currently working from home in my living room down in Brighton, with series 3 of friends running in the background. Staying dry from the horrible British weather.
Kieran: I’m in a wasabi in Bank, London, eating my favourite food (tofu curry bento), working on my laptop. 
I’m currently managing a pub in London and getting everyone drunk.
I'm at home working on my day job, sending emails, very exciting!

What was the first tune you bought?

Jenna: The first vinyl I ever bought I can quite proudly say was Radiohead - OK Computer. However I’m not sure that is an entirely truthful answer, as I believe I bought something like Fergie - Big Girls Don’t Cry on iTunes when I was about 12.
Kieran: Busted’s first album was the first record I owned, but I think the first Album I ever bought with my own money was ‘take off your pants and jacket’ by Blink 182. If I had to narrow it down to one tune, then the song ‘First Date’ is probably what made me buy it.  
my first record I got with my own money would have been The Ordinary Boys “How to get everything in 10 east steps” funny enough I got to support them in a previous band I was in which was a strange moment for me
Avril Lavigne - Let Go

Ever held down a proper job?

Jenna: Yup. Still going strong, music isn’t always the biggest money maker.
Kieran: What a loaded question to ask musicians… Haha, I am proud to say that yes I have, and I continue to do so. 
I have held down jobs since I was 16 years old and now 11 years later I’m still in the same industry in hospitality. 
Yes! Still managing to, just!

If you could go back in time, where would you stop?

Jenna: Perhaps the 60s, it looked pretty fun and free for the most part. But that might be naive of me to assume. But at least i’d be wearing some pretty amazing clothes.
Kieran: Tricky, as there are so many eras of music I would want to experience. I think I’d go to 1950, so I could be a teenager in the 60’s and watch the Beatles. Then I could enjoy my twenties in the 70’s, and then have enough money in my thirties and fourties to enjoy 80’s bands like the Cure in their prime, and then Nirvana in the 90’s. Sorry if a little long winded - I’ve thought about it a lot.
I would go back in time I would go back to the 90s and experience it again but not as a baby. I love the music scene back then as you could tell from our music. Clothes was great, sport was amazing, you could still smoke in pubs. Perfect.
Back to the 90's of course, where else in history has been better for music

Bottle of red, bottle of white?

Jenna: I think I give off red wine vibes. But One hundred percent, bottle of white.
Kieran: Bottle of white.
red wine turns me into a monster. I’m such a bad drunk on that tasty devil. I would say red wine is better but for the sake of everyone around me I will stick to the white.
Red! White wine is horrible. But it's got to a be a rich red with a long finish

What tune would you happily delete from your back catalogue?

Jenna: None, I think. I release songs to evolve. Even if there are bad songs released in the past, they contributed to what I make today.

Are you currently sober?

Jenna: As far as i’m aware!
Kieran: Just about
I am currently sober, I just drink probably far too much. Hard to avoid it when you work around it 24/7
Right now? yes..

As a superhero, what power would you possess?

Jenna: The ability to speak to animals. I’m not sure what kind of hero that would make me, but it’s my answer nonetheless.
Kieran: Ability to teleport
I would have to say the power of time. Fast forward, rewind, pause, fast forward. You ever wish you had an extra hour in bed…. Bang…. Pause time, job done. Ever been in a long drive……boom…. Fast forward. No more regrets in life when you can do it all over. 
it would be pretty awesome to be a polyglot (and have it go beyond just talking all human languages)

Canines or felines?

Jenna: Having had three dogs in my life, I have to say canines. I do also love felines.
Kieran: Canines
I have been raised with cats, they are great, you don’t need to pick up their poo, don’t need walks. They let you know when they wanna hang out and you just let them be. It’s great.

Who would play you in a movie?

Jenna: Perhaps Amy Poehler.
Kieran: Casey Affleck, I’m often told I look like him.
Brad Pitt ……obviously 
Adam Scott

In three words, how would your best friends describe you?

Jenna: Loyal, silly…
Kieran: Passionate, Creative, Hard working 
very, very , annoying 
Tired, Anxious, Wise

Most annoyingly over-used phrase?

Jenna: Whatever it is, I probably use it frequently. Perhaps ‘like’, I use ‘like’ far too much.
Kieran: I'm so done” 
“it is what it is” drives me mad that 
"let me know", I find myself writing this at least 20 times every day

Have you ever gone A.W.O.L?

Jenna: Not on a serious level, perhaps unresponsive for a couple of days at a time. But never completely missing from anything.
Kieran: Never. Although I ran away from home once when I was younger in some kind of protest. I only made it to the pavement opposite the house and changed my mind though. 
my girlfriend may say different but I’m pretty easy to track down
no, I'm very much the kind of person who is always on the grid

When did you last bounce on a trampoline?

Jenna: When I was probably about 13 down on Bournemouth beach. They have these bungee trampolines down on the seafront, I’d recommend even as an adult.
Kieran: Many years ago now. 
probably when I was in secondary school. I’m too lanky for it. I look like a fool trying to jump.
i have no idea, not recently. I have a back injury that mostly prevents doing stuff like this

At your dream festival, what would your top three headliners be – dead or alive?

Jenna: Khruangbin, Phoebe Bridgers, Slowdive
Kieran: The Cure, Prince, Thin Lizzy. Supported by the Police, Rush & Fleetwood Mac
My chemical romance, Grimes, Post Malone. Now that sounds like a party.
Nine Inch Nails, Portishead, Dire Straits

Lennon or McCartney?

Jenna: I’d have to say Paul. He seems like a much nicer guy in general.
McCartney just edges it.
John all day. McCartney does my head in these days. Have you seen him cover nirvana?!

Nike or Adidas?

Jenna: Vintage Nike. But really, neither.
Nike. No major preference either way but I do own at least one nike item so that wins. 
always Adidas, although I would always try to copy Wayne Rooneys total 90s as a kid it’s adidas all the way now. I’m basically exclusive to there trainers, spezials or sambas are my go to.

What’s your pebble skimming record?

Jenna: 1.. maybe
I lost count
probably 5 at a guess. Making me wanna go to the Thames and give it a go, let me get back to you
I have definitely never managed more than 2, I am horrible at this! This and any kind of throwing, I'm very malcoordinated

Worst place you’ve ever slept?

Jenna: Probably my own student accommodation.
Trafalgar square. By choice not necessity - Long story.
probably in a shower, wasn’t great 
in the open desert. I know this sounds magical, but it was actually pretty terrifying. We'd been warned about various animals/creepy crawlies in the area and had absolutely zero protection throughout the two nights we were there

Best place you’ve ever slept?

Jenna: Surprisingly, my sofa. Those unexpected sofa naps just seem to hit different
A hotel in Melbourne. Had the most amazing view of the city and I’d always dreamed of going so that was amazing. 
Josh: nothing beats your own bed with fresh bedsheets
Boring answer but it's my own bed, I love it and it cannot be beaten, I could stay in the world's fanciest hotel with the world's comfiest bed, and I would not sleep as well.

Have you ever roller skated?

Jenna: I have indeed, it used to be one of my favourite modes of transport as a kid.
I have. I wasn’t very good.
I’m useless on all things that have wheels. I thought skateboarding would be easy so I dropped in on a half pipe my first time and hit my tail bone so hard I couldn’t walk straight for a week. So hard pass on roller skates
Yes and I was terrible! I am a very unbalanced person (in every sense of the word) so I found it impossible. Haven't tried it in years for fear of getting injured