Boy Deluxe - Have You Ever Rolla Skated?

Where are you now and what’s happening?

True: Sitting in our tiny studio in LA, drinking iced coffee and working on some production stuff.

Hope: I’m sitting on my bed, on my period, waiting to eat more food - my only mission for the day.

What was the first tune you bought?

True: My older brothers were into a lot of music so it was mostly hand me downs til I was older but it was probably Minor Threat or My Bloody Valentine.

Hope: I don’t remember the first I bought, but I remember getting my first disc man as a hand me down from the big brother and he bought me the Shakira album with “Hips Don’t Lie” on it. I was more of a Christina girl back then, but whatever. That was the first album that was actually mine.

Ever held down a proper job?

True: So many awful jobs. Dishwasher, bartender, security, worked at an insurance co for a bit lol.

Hope: I keep jobs, but only ones without a dress code. I can’t stand being told what to wear.

If you could go back in time, where would you stop?

True: I think it’d be interesting to go back to a time when we’re just in tribes. Just sit outside and enjoy your family and community without all this modern bullshit.

Hope: At first, I thought you meant in my life, and I was like… I dunno if I would want to do that. And now, rereading the question… I still don’t think I would. Being a woman in history hasn’t been easy. I’ll take this bullshit today. I don’t feel like being even less of a person and then dying of something stupid like diarrhoea, thanks.

Bottle of red, bottle of white?

True: Can I have both?

Hope: I’ll just have a glass of either. I suck at drinking.

What tune would you happily delete from your back catalogue?

True: There’s nothing that stands out. I definitely hear shit I would change though on pretty much everything.

Hope: Thankfully we didn’t record our earliest songs. So, they can stay hidden in the
undocumented past.

Are you currently sober?

True: Does micro dosing count?

Hope: ya.

As a superhero, what power would you possess?

True: The power to see and hear everything at once until it makes me crazy so I just go inside and work on beats.

Hope: The power to be hella rich.

Canines or felines?

True: 100% Canines

Hope: I like doggies. And some cats. But only the ones who aren’t assholes.

Who would play you in a movie?

True: Someone once said I had a real Tom Hardy vibe on stage so I'm gonna punch up and go with that.

Hope: Uma Thurman

In three words, how would your best friends describe you?

True: Kind, passionate, neurotic af

Hope: Dork, empathetic, (hopefully…) super cool

Most annoyingly over-used phrase?

True: BRO (I say it a lot though)

Hope: Babe. Just don’t.

Have you ever gone A.W.O.L?

True: I was thrown out of high school for selling an “acid like substance” so I ran away for like three weeks. I’m not admitting to anything but if I was selling anything it was mescaline.

Hope: Not really. Never too late tho…

When did you last bounce on a trampoline?

True: Sadly many, many years ago.

Hope: I don’t know!!! Most memorable tramp memory is at my crush’s house in 8th grade. I was super sweaty bc puberty + my crush so I wouldn’t raise my arms at all and I looked insane. Who jumps without moving their arms?

Before Stranger Things S4 dropped, had you honestly ever heard of Kate Bush?

True: Absolutely

Hope: yep

At your dream festival, what would your top three headliners be – dead or alive?

True: First off this is an impossible question…BUT…if I had to have just three it might be NIN,
Kendrick, My Bloody Valentine.

Hope: NIN, Otis Redding, and yeah, Kendrick.

What’s your pebble skimming record?

True: I honestly think it’s probably pretty good.

Hope: Any early to mid 2000’s instrumental prog rock. I get it. You wear your guitar really high up there.

Worst place you’ve ever slept?

True: Basement of a building I was evicted from in the middle of winter. Also a lot of weird ass spots on tour.

Hope: Tried to sleep in the back of a tattoo shop on the floor in the storage area. It sucked. Left and slept in the car instead.

Best place you’ve ever slept?

True: My bed after a big show.

Hope: Yeah, I agree with True - that really is the best.

Have you ever roller skated?

True: Used to skate with my friends when I was a surly youth.

Hope: Yes!